Meeting called to order @ 7:02 pm by Lori Prokupek. Board members present: Wayne Sedlacek, Scot Smith,
JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski Others present: Norm Siverling, Dave Yohnk, Cory LaNou Clerk read November minutes. Next meeting will be December 4, 2016 Treasurer report: see attached Motion to approve the consent agenda by Scot Smith, 2nd by wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Road report: Dave discussed the van in the visual ROW on State Hwy 27/ 155th Ave. Vehicle not moved yet. No damage from beavers on Vajgert Road. If Dave had not graded 290th Street, he would not be able to plow this winter because of Road issues from improper grading. 290th Street: Lori discussed the bill with Brad Hompe, we agreed on 8474.68, no other part of the bill was verified, as of yet. Motion to pay Colburn 84740.68 for the 290th Street shared Road by Wayne Sedlacek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. Personal property was discussed. The town website was discussed with Cory, he will help set up. Printers were discussed, Brenda will purchase one for under 150$. Motion to purchase a printer for under $150 by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. ROW on Hwy 27/ 155th Ave was still in the way. Brenda will call the Sheriffs Dept. again. Dekan Heating will replace the burner on the Shop furnace for about 1250$. Reviewed the election workers for 2016-17. Motion to approve the list of election workers, but not limited to, for 2016/17 by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Bill and correspondence were reviewed. Motion to approve the bill as listed for 40610.31, including $20000 for Monarch, by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Motion to adjourn @ 8:45 pm by Wayne Sedlacek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. UNAPPROVED MINUTES DECEMBER 3, 2015 Submitted by Glen Sikorski-CLERK Meeting called to order @ 7:35 by Lori Prokupek. Members present : JoAnn Parks, Scot Smith, Wayne Sedlacek, Glen & Brenda Sikorski
Others present: Cory LaNou, Norm Siverling. Public comment: 0 Clerk read October 5, 2015 minutes. Next meeting is December 3, 2015 @ 7 pm. Treasurers report, see attached.23395.05, M.M.-20161.16 Ck-7647.61 Motion to approve the consent agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Road report:Sold the Woods mower, put new batteries in the grader, a new water pump in the truck. Discussed the two new culverts on 170th Ave. Discussed the van in the ROW on 155th Ave/ 27. Brenda will call the Co non emergency tomorrow to see if they can move it. MOU- Colburn shared road costs. Lori will contact Brad from Colburn to help clarify the bills from 290th Street. This will be on the agenda for DECEMBER. IOH Resolution was discussed. Motion to approve the IOH Resolution #001-2015 by Wayne Sedlacek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. Website was discussed. Cory talked about the costs of a website, he has been paying to retain the site. How to use the website, the ease of using it, he would assist in the use of it. Motion to ust the website that Cory has by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. MOU – dogs. Discussed the present MOU -dogs, we pay 74.50 now, 150$ was discussed. Motion to approve the MOU /dogs with Paul & Wilma Zimmerman and pay $150 (.20) a year and review yearly by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Shop furnace, Glen talked to Freedom Heating from Thorp about changing out the burner heads in the Co shop. Motion to approve Freedom Heating to replace the burner heads in the Co shop by Lori Porkupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Bills and correspondence was discussed. Motion to pay the bills as presented, see attached, by Scot Smith, 2nd by Lori Prokupek, motion carried. Website, printer, electronic info bylaws for town. Motion to adjourn by Wayne Sedlacek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES SUBMITTED BY GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order by Lori Prokupek. Board members present: Wayne Sedlacek, Scot Smith, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Other present: Dave Yohnk, Cory LaNou. Public Comments: 0 Clerk read Sept 9, 2015 minutes. NO corrections Meeting in November 2, 2015 @ 6:30. Budget/ Levy Limit meeting, regular meeting to follow. Treasurers report: see attached. Checking-12101.69 M.M.-4933.61 Motion to approve Consent agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Dave Yohnk discussed the worm problem at the shop. Pest Arrest, LLC sprayed all the buildings. Starter on the Grader went bad, went to Stanley starter and got one for 185$. The old starter will go to Stanley to be repaired and kept for a spare. Batteries in the truck were changed. Fluid in the tires were discussed. Will leave calcium chloride in them. New truck tires were discussed,$400 a tire. Talked about selling the Woods mower, $300. Letter to a resident, for moving vehicles in the vision of 155th Ave and CO 27. MOU for Anson / Arthur, we have odd years, they have even years. Signed and sent out. Discussed the charge for the grader, plowing driveway. Motion to change the charge for the grader plowing to $100 for the first 20 minutes and going to $150 hourly there after, with the exception of any emergency by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Shop roof, Glen & Jim will repair soon. Chev will be called to see what can be changed as far as the shop furnace. Bills and correspondence was discussed. Motion to pay bills as presented, see attached- $14563.33, by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek,motion carried. Future agenda items: Website, personal property collection, MOU- dogs, Motion to adjourn @ 8:55 pm by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried APPROVED MINUTES OCTOBER 05, 2015 GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order @ 7:05 pm by Lori Prokupek. Board members present: JoAnn Parks, Wayne Sedlacek, Scot Smith, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Others present: Norm Siverling, Gary Lazaar, Dave Woodford. Public comments: Loose horses and where they belong on EE. The Cadott Ambulance director resigned. Clerk read minutes from August 12, 2015 October 5th, 2015 next meeting. Treasurers report: see attached. $44920.06MM $29780.21 Checking Motion to approve the Consent agenda Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. Dave Yohnk talked about the air in the water system at the shop. John Zimmerman will be called to look into the problem. The town truck will need new tires for the winter. Need fluid in the left tire on the new tractor. Van on 155th Ave and hwy 27 in way of the view. A letter can be written to have the van moved. Lori was given the residents phone #. Scot asked if a slow children at play sign needed at 245th Street. Will ask the resident to attend the next meeting. Shared road with Anson, Gary Lazaar and Dave Woodford from Anson were present to discuss the matter of the two culverts. Options were discussed, a culvert crossing the landowners land to connect the two culverts. Wayne Krejci from the Co should be contacted again. Gary talked about the grading, Arthur should grade it in 2015, odd years. Anson has even years. A MOU will be sent to Anson. 14 yards of gravel needs to be paid to Anson, after a bill is presented. Will keep this on th 290th Street, Lori talked about just culverts. Brad from Colburn is on board with $15308.00. Motion to approve the ditching and culverts for 290th Street to be shared by Colburn to be earmarked for 2016 for 15308.00 subject to any bid adjustment by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Shop roof was discussed. Jim Bowe and Glen would spend half a day to patch the roof. Trailer ordinances, phone and internet will be on Octobers agenda. Will call CenturyLink to change the phone service. Bills and correspondence was discussed. Motion to pay bills as presented, with the exception of Advanced Concepts, by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Motion to adjourn by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI- CLERK Meeting called to order @ 7:08 by Lori Prokupek. Board members present: Scot Smith, Wayne Sedlacek, JoAnn Parks.
Others Present: Norm Siverling, Dave & Karen Harings, Dave Yohnk. Public comments; Karen Hardings & husband came for her beer license. Deputy Clerk read the minutes from July September 9th, 2015 next meeting. Treasurers report: see attached. 27555.11 Total 9620.74 checking 76668.13M.M. Motion to approve the consent agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Dave Yohnk discussed sending half a gravel bill for Goetz on Peterson Road. The value on the grader is 85K. Wayne will look into the value of the truck. Glen will talk to Melvin Kempf tomorrow. Swore in the constable, Bernie Siverling. 290th Street, Brad did not attend the meeting. We have received 2 estimates. Olynicks bid was 61K, Northlands bid was 35K. Will put 290th road issue on every agenda until resolved. 170th Ave, letter was written for a response on the culvert issue. Paving 155th Ave is complete. Rock Fest, no issues as far as we know. Furnace, bell tower, phones, trailer ordinance will be on next months agenda. Bills and correspondence were discussed. Motion to pay the bills as presented, see attached, byLori Prokupek, 2nd b y Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Motion to adjourn @ 8:45 by Wayne Sedlacek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order by Lori Prokupek @ 7:08 pm.
Board members present: Wayne Sedlacek, Scot Smith, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski Others present: Norm Siverling, Stacey Miller, Dave Yohnk. Clerk read the June minutes. Treasurers report: see attached Next meeting will be August 12, 2015 @ 7 pm. Motion to approve the Consent agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. Dave Yohnk discussed the Dead end sign posted on 150th Ave., Mowing road side is all done, Culverts on 155th Ave all done, Pike Lake road,( 290th Street) is bad, Vajgrt`s new culvert is plugged by the beavers, shop roof is leaking, needs to be fixed soon, Lori will look i Stacey Miller gave a report on the Town's insurance. He handed out a coverage option info. Discussed values on building and equipment. Dave will get a value on the grader. Will increase the values on the buildings. Need to discuss the SOP ( standard operating manual) . WTA & other towns. MOU with Anson - Lori will discuss and put on agenda. 290th Street, Lori is waiting for Bowes estimate, will forward to Brad Hompe-Colburn. 155th will be paved in the next few weeks. Ordinance on trailer homes was discussed. Reviewed the trailer ordinance from The Town of Gilman, Pierce County. Will revise for the town and put on the august agenda. Country Fest issues- garbage is still on County S. Will review after Rock Fest. Furnace in the Co. shop, will talk to Chevs Heating estimate more concrete. The goal will be by September. Will purchase 2500 gallons of LP on prepay. Will put the bell tower and phones on August`s agenda. Mail and correspondence was discussed. Motion to pay the bills as presented, see attached, by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. As noted. Motion to adjourn @ 9:11 pm by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order by Lori Prokupek. Board members present: Wayne Sedlacek, Scot Smith, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Others present: Cory LaNou, Les Danielson, Dave Yohnk. Public comments: O Clerk read the May 4, 2015 minutes. Treasurer s report: 117.09 total 123716.96 M.M. 8600.25 Checking, see attached. Next meeting July 6, 2015. Motion to approve the consent agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Scot, all ayes, motion carried. Dave Yohnk talked about 155th Ave. Dave will call Bowe to fill in around the two culverts. 290th Street had water on it this week. Dave thinks we should put in culverts first to drain it out. The blacktop grader patches are in. Culvert on 150th Ave was put in today, a lot of water. Gas and a can needed for the lawn mower. Will call Jim Falls River Country Co-op to set up an account. Dave will order a Dead End sign for 150th Ave. MOU- Goetz Summer . Les Danielson was present to agree to the 130th Ave. He took the original to have the Goetz town board to sign and return. Colburn summer MOU was signed and I will scan and email a copy to Brad tomorrow. Estella plows down by the river 190th to dead end and k to the dead end. We plow 27 east to the dead end. Write a letter to Estella about a MOU. 290th Street, update, Bowe and Colburn are in the loop from the DNR and the Company doing the plans. Will have on the July's agenda. Crack sealing on 135th Ave is not going to happen as there is to many cracks now. Beaver damage on 150th Ave was discussed. Timothy Zimmerman is interested in trapping/ removing the beavers. The Board needs to write a letter giving him permission to remove the beavers and the land owners. Motion to write a letter to allow beaver removal by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, all ayes, motion carried. Motion to appoint Bernie Siverling the Constable by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, all ayes, motion carried. Motion to approve the Liquor and Beer and Tobacco licenses for 2015-16 by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, all ayes, motion carried. Motion to pay bills as presented see attached: $58,173.34 by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, all ayes, motion carried. Bell tower, furnace, MOU`s, 290th Street to July's agenda. Ordinance for trailer homes, by WTA or Cleveland. Adjourned @ 9:08 by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES June 10, 2015 Glen Sikorski-CLERK Meeting called to order by Lori Prokupek @ 6:35 pm.
Board present: Scot Smith, Wayne Sedlacek, Glen & Brenda Sikorski Discussed paving 155th Ave. Total cost of 1 mile: $115,500 2 miles: $224,383 If we pay by July 31st - $100,000 December - $25,000 To be Paid in Full in June 2016 Motion to pave 2 miles for $184,000 by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Motion to adjourn @ 6:50 by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order by Lori Prokupek. Board present: Wayne Sedlacek, Scot Smith, JoAnn Parks,
Glen & Brenda Sikorski Others present: Norm Siverling , Dave Yohnk Clerk read the April 8, 2015 minutes. . Treasurers report: $32,612.52 Total M.M.-$128,469.96 Checking- $9,171.49 Motion to approve the agenda & minutes by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. Dave Yohnk discussed the signs on 155th Ave, not reflective, they will need to be replaced sometime. Talked about a culverts on Vajgrets road and 290th Ave. MOU- summer roads with Colburn. Revised, signed and returned to Colburn. Goetz MOU will be on the June Agenda. Dave will bill the Co. for the roadside clean up for this month. Road tour was set for May 13 @ noon. Meet at the hall. Large Assembly license for Country and Rock Fest. Motion to approve 2 Large Assembly license by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. WTA- Lori, Glen and I will be attending. Will get DVD for BOR training. Mail and correspondence was discussed. Motion to approve bills as presented 5491.41 by Wayne Sedlacek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. Larry Prokupek wrote a letter of resignation for constable. Bernie Siverling has asked for the position. Will put on June's agenda. Brenda will look into a different phone and lower costs. Motion to adjourn @ 9:05 pm by Scot Smith, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order by Norm Siverling @ 7:00pm. Others present : Lori Prokupek, Dave Roshell, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Others present: see attached list. Clerk read minutes from March 12, 2015. Treasurer read report: 2008.28 total M.M. - 145986.35 Checking- 3228.18 Motion to approve the con agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Yohnk, motion carried. Dave Yohnk talked about the Co shop furnace, working sometimes. Talked about the two quotes on a new furnace. 1500$ plus labor for installation. Discussed the MOU for summer grading. Goetz needs a summer MOU also. Picked tires from Jensons road, about 25 total. Covered th Blacktop bids were opened. Two bids: Senn`s bid was 1 mile- 24` wide w/ gravel, they pulvalized, we grade, and 2 ½ thick 1070 ton of blacktop-54.86 a ton =$95456.00. 2 miles= $88544.00 =1614 ton = 54.86 a ton 184,000$ for both. Monarch- 1 5480` 89512.32 2 miles- 105050` $172383.80 Motion to approve Monarchs bid for 1 mile or 2 miles by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Norm Siverling, motion carried. 1 gravel bid- John S. Olynick Inc. 8.48 -town. 8.98 per residents. 16.98 for shouldering. Motion to approve Olynicks gravel bid for town- 8.49, residents 8.98 and 16.69 for shouldering by Lori Porkupek, 2nd b y Dave Roshell, motion carried. Discussed the tire program through the C.C. Recycling. Signed the signature page, will post in 3 places. Ag Enterprise Area was discussed. Motion to sign and approve the Town for AEA land by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. BOR/OP dates were discussed along with certification for BOR. O.B.-5-19 5-7 Dates for BOR- 6-5-2015 @ 5-7. May 1, May 25, June 21 for 3 picnic licenses for the Bohemian Hall. Motion to approve the 3 picnic licenses by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Reviewed bills and correspondence. Motion to pay bills as presented by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Agenda items: BOR training, furnace quotes, WTA meeting, MOU summer roads Colburn and Goetz. Motion to adjourn @8:37 by Dave Roshell, 2nd by Lori Prokupek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order by Lori Prokupek @ 7:02. Board members present Dave Roshell, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Absent: Norm Siverling Others present: see sign in sheet Lori asked Glen to run the meeting. Clerk read the minutes. Motion to approve the Feb. minutes by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Treasurers report. See report. Delinquent personal property was discussed, 1 paid, 1 hasn't. Next meeting will be April 8th, 2015 @ 7 pm. JoAnn Parks talked about the LUPC meeting on Ag Enterprise Area, Les Danielson is present, will discuss at the end of meeting. Dave Yohnk discussed the yard light at the shop. Will have to get a 30` ladder to fix the light. Glen will bring a ladder when needed. The truck needs water hoses, Olynick has ordered new ones. 292nd Street was discussed. Ice was present yesterday, not today. Dave Yohnk talked about the road, Mike Bowe had met Dave Y. and said he could not do anything as it is frozen. Culverts were discussed. Dave Roshell had taken pictures of the road at different times. The Ar Policy on snowplowing was discussed, when is someone supposed to be plowing or not. Lori talked about a policy. Dave goes out when the CO. goes out. Temperature is a factor too, not just snow. Blacktopped roads first, gravel 2`` of snow. Weather conditions affect the road Will compare to a few other towns. Bills and correspondence was discussed. Motion to approve the bills as presented by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Future items: 290nd street, computers, AEA,Bids- gravel, blacktop 155th Ave, snowplowing policy Motion to adjourn @ 8:10 Dave Roshell, 2nd by Lori Prokupek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order at 7:08 by Norm Siverling. Others present Lori Prokupek, Dave Roshell, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Others present: Scot Smith, Dave Yohnk. Clerk read the minutes Jan. 7,2015. Motion to approve the minutes from 1-7-2015 by Dave Roshell, 2nd by Lori Prokupek, motion carried. Next meeting will be March 12th, 2015 @ 7 pm. Treasurers report: 444480.66 M.M, 24013.85 Checking. Talked about the mail and the delays that have happened. Discussed the unpaid personal property that is outstanding. (2) Will have to look into it more. Dave Yohnk discussed the new fuel tank on the truck, furnace across the road is working well, the Wundrow road is not good, about 3``of water/ice for about 100`. Discussed the TRID program for the blacktopping on 250th Street, need to fill out the form after Sept. due before November. Will send out a split bid for 1 /or 2 miles of 155th Ave. One mile of 155 Ave from EE west. Motion to advertise for blacktopping 1 or 2 miles of 155th Ave west of EE and bids to be received by the 6th of April and opened at the April meeting by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Contacted Brad from Colburn and someone will go to the 17th meeting in Colburn. Correspondence and mail was discussed. Motion to pay bills as presented by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. See attached Items for future agenda: 290th North of S, Blacktop bids for April, delinquent personal property taxes. Motion to adjourn at 8:36 by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Meeting called to order @ 7:04 by Lori Prokupek. Other board members present-, Dave Roshell, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski
Others present: Dave Yohnk, Scot Smith, Karen & Jeff Hardings Norm arrived @ 7:07 Public comments: Karen & Jeff Hardings talked about redoing their barn for public events. Talked about the need for a culvert near their property. Gave info for the CO. Clerk read minutes from December 2014. Motion to approve minutes from December 15, 2015 by Dave Roshell, 2nd by Lori Prokupek, motion carried. Next meeting will be 2-11-2015. Treasurers report: see attached Income: 190.70 M.M. - 87609.12 4739.03 Checking. Road report: Dave Y. talked about the truck, a leak is in the fuel tank. Estimates Mid States- 1499.71, Alumn. Tank 1808.39. 981.49 for an after market tank. 900.00+ 25$ shipping thru the Jeff @ Olynick`s. Motion to purchase the 900$+25$ for an aluminum fuel tank for the truck by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Had the thermostat replaced on the 2nd shop furnace, $162.50. The grader was tested for an oil leak by Nortrax, did not find a problem, lost 12 gal of oil. Will keep an eye on it in the future. Will contact Colburn and Goetz for the next meeting. The shop furnace will be put back on the agenda in the Spring. April or May. Will look into the LRIP program for 250th Street eligibility. Rob will be contacted. Will put the 2 year road list on Feb. agenda. Discussed bills and correspondence. Motion to pay bills as presented, see attached, by Lori Prokupek, 2n d by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Auditing the books, done. Motion to adjourn @ 8:55 pm by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK |
These are the "UNOFFICIAL" meeting minutes for the Town Board Meetings. For an official copy of the minutes, please contact our town clerk at [email protected].
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