Meeting called to order by Lori Prokupek @ 7:02. Board members present Dave Roshell, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Absent: Norm Siverling Others present: see sign in sheet Lori asked Glen to run the meeting. Clerk read the minutes. Motion to approve the Feb. minutes by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Treasurers report. See report. Delinquent personal property was discussed, 1 paid, 1 hasn't. Next meeting will be April 8th, 2015 @ 7 pm. JoAnn Parks talked about the LUPC meeting on Ag Enterprise Area, Les Danielson is present, will discuss at the end of meeting. Dave Yohnk discussed the yard light at the shop. Will have to get a 30` ladder to fix the light. Glen will bring a ladder when needed. The truck needs water hoses, Olynick has ordered new ones. 292nd Street was discussed. Ice was present yesterday, not today. Dave Yohnk talked about the road, Mike Bowe had met Dave Y. and said he could not do anything as it is frozen. Culverts were discussed. Dave Roshell had taken pictures of the road at different times. The Ar Policy on snowplowing was discussed, when is someone supposed to be plowing or not. Lori talked about a policy. Dave goes out when the CO. goes out. Temperature is a factor too, not just snow. Blacktopped roads first, gravel 2`` of snow. Weather conditions affect the road Will compare to a few other towns. Bills and correspondence was discussed. Motion to approve the bills as presented by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Future items: 290nd street, computers, AEA,Bids- gravel, blacktop 155th Ave, snowplowing policy Motion to adjourn @ 8:10 Dave Roshell, 2nd by Lori Prokupek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Comments are closed.
These are the "UNOFFICIAL" meeting minutes for the Town Board Meetings. For an official copy of the minutes, please contact our town clerk at [email protected].
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