Meeting called to order @ 7:08 by Lori Prokupek. Board members present: Scot Smith, Wayne Sedlacek, JoAnn Parks.
Others Present: Norm Siverling, Dave & Karen Harings, Dave Yohnk. Public comments; Karen Hardings & husband came for her beer license. Deputy Clerk read the minutes from July September 9th, 2015 next meeting. Treasurers report: see attached. 27555.11 Total 9620.74 checking 76668.13M.M. Motion to approve the consent agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Dave Yohnk discussed sending half a gravel bill for Goetz on Peterson Road. The value on the grader is 85K. Wayne will look into the value of the truck. Glen will talk to Melvin Kempf tomorrow. Swore in the constable, Bernie Siverling. 290th Street, Brad did not attend the meeting. We have received 2 estimates. Olynicks bid was 61K, Northlands bid was 35K. Will put 290th road issue on every agenda until resolved. 170th Ave, letter was written for a response on the culvert issue. Paving 155th Ave is complete. Rock Fest, no issues as far as we know. Furnace, bell tower, phones, trailer ordinance will be on next months agenda. Bills and correspondence were discussed. Motion to pay the bills as presented, see attached, byLori Prokupek, 2nd b y Wayne Sedlacek, motion carried. Motion to adjourn @ 8:45 by Wayne Sedlacek, 2nd by Scot Smith, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Comments are closed.
These are the "UNOFFICIAL" meeting minutes for the Town Board Meetings. For an official copy of the minutes, please contact our town clerk at [email protected].
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