Meeting called to order by Norm Siverling @ 7:00pm. Others present : Lori Prokupek, Dave Roshell, JoAnn Parks, Glen & Brenda Sikorski.
Others present: see attached list. Clerk read minutes from March 12, 2015. Treasurer read report: 2008.28 total M.M. - 145986.35 Checking- 3228.18 Motion to approve the con agenda by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Yohnk, motion carried. Dave Yohnk talked about the Co shop furnace, working sometimes. Talked about the two quotes on a new furnace. 1500$ plus labor for installation. Discussed the MOU for summer grading. Goetz needs a summer MOU also. Picked tires from Jensons road, about 25 total. Covered th Blacktop bids were opened. Two bids: Senn`s bid was 1 mile- 24` wide w/ gravel, they pulvalized, we grade, and 2 ½ thick 1070 ton of blacktop-54.86 a ton =$95456.00. 2 miles= $88544.00 =1614 ton = 54.86 a ton 184,000$ for both. Monarch- 1 5480` 89512.32 2 miles- 105050` $172383.80 Motion to approve Monarchs bid for 1 mile or 2 miles by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Norm Siverling, motion carried. 1 gravel bid- John S. Olynick Inc. 8.48 -town. 8.98 per residents. 16.98 for shouldering. Motion to approve Olynicks gravel bid for town- 8.49, residents 8.98 and 16.69 for shouldering by Lori Porkupek, 2nd b y Dave Roshell, motion carried. Discussed the tire program through the C.C. Recycling. Signed the signature page, will post in 3 places. Ag Enterprise Area was discussed. Motion to sign and approve the Town for AEA land by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. BOR/OP dates were discussed along with certification for BOR. O.B.-5-19 5-7 Dates for BOR- 6-5-2015 @ 5-7. May 1, May 25, June 21 for 3 picnic licenses for the Bohemian Hall. Motion to approve the 3 picnic licenses by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Reviewed bills and correspondence. Motion to pay bills as presented by Lori Prokupek, 2nd by Dave Roshell, motion carried. Agenda items: BOR training, furnace quotes, WTA meeting, MOU summer roads Colburn and Goetz. Motion to adjourn @8:37 by Dave Roshell, 2nd by Lori Prokupek, motion carried. APPROVED MINUTES GLEN SIKORSKI-CLERK Comments are closed.
These are the "UNOFFICIAL" meeting minutes for the Town Board Meetings. For an official copy of the minutes, please contact our town clerk at [email protected].
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